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Meaningful encounters via Luotsi

A meeting place for employees and employers.

Meeting of labour force and open work positions is a popular but important topic when talking about a work life. There are both potential employees and vacant positions but for one reason or another, demand and supply don´t always meet. We don´t see this as a threat but more as a possibility – there is a place for everyone and a job for every jobseeker as long as the topic is approached in a right way.

So, why employees and employers don´t always match?

There are several reasons for example attractiveness of a field, lack of education or work experience and retirement. More often the reason is a lack of information and the fact that jobseeker’s and employer´s values don´t match. Workplaces may also be “hidden” which means open positions won’t be published anywhere and employees are found in other ways. In that case the active role of an applicant is crucial.

Being active doesn´t help those rubbing their chin for a lack of information. Especially right after graduation even a thought of looking for a job may feel frustrating if one doesn´t already have one. Browsing through job ads takess time and so does writing applications and updating a CV. Job ad´s demands are often experienced as a stumbling block – how to be 25 years old with a 30 years work experience? Ads seem to call for a youthful person who has got fresh visions but a lot of experience.

Job advertisement doesn´t only offer information about an open position but it also works as a proof of employer´s brand. Therefore the purpose of an ad is not only to inform but also to market. “Help wanted in a hurry for summertime, job begins immediately, call to a number -- ” creates an image of a busy job and of an let alone employer who doesn´t have enough time or resources to invest into recruiting. Of course, there isn’t always enough time or resources at hand and that´s why many employers use different kinds of recruitment services.

Luotsi Joensuu as a part of the employment services of Joensuu City offers help and guidance to both employees and employers.

Joensuun Teatteriravintola has used many of Luotsi´s recruitment services, for example prepared job ads, organized job interviews and utilized different financial benefit available for employers. This year Teatteriravintola has hired four people to multifaceted chef´s and waiters positions with the help of Luotsi.
Business owner Karina Sälting is happy with the cooperation:

– Luotsi’s enterprise agent Maikki understood our problems and it was easy for her to see things also from our position a recruiter. Our way of work doesn’t include any ready-made products, we make everything ourselves. That is why it´s also hard for us to find suitable employees.

Sälting hopes that the multifacetedness of a chef´s work would be highlighted more. For example in Teatteriravintola creativity is a plus and if an employee is a bit creative, he/she has an opportunity to decide on the areas of responsibility included in the job.

Entrepreneur Kari Kola from event garden Botania in Linnunlahti Joensuu also tells that he has found many great employees via Luotsi:

– We have received many great employees by Luotsi. Now at summertime we have nine paid workers and four assistants. We needed help for the summertime and that´s how it all started. Cooperation has worked very well and we have found some top-guys via Luotsi. With them we have an intent to extend the contracts if possible.

Botania is open through summer and events will start to roll normally again. How ever garden is keeping their hands busy because specially in hot summer day plants need daily almost million liters of water.
– It could rain a little, otherwise all is good.“ Kola laughs.

Employer – do you need help with recruiting or finding new employees? Do you know enough of the diverse possibilities of hiring and employment? Enterprise agents of Luotsi Joensuu and the employment Services of Joensuu city help entrepreneurs and businesses for free.

Looking for job opportunities?TalentHub Joensuu also offers a free coaching service for all international talents who have published their profile on the TalentHub website. As a part of the employment services of Joensuu City TalentHub specializes in bringing together international talents and the companies in the region.

Free individual coaching for Joensuu residents – You may also directly contact our individual coach Antti. Check out his contact details here.

Luotsi service center is located at PlazaCentrum, Kauppakatu 29, Joensuu. Welcome to meet us!


(Text: Hanne Hynynen)

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